Life to Infinity

© Life To  2011 - 2018

Yes, yes! I am pleased to be here with you! I am pleased to be here with you! I can now feel comfortable within this frame. Ahh, that's better. Intriguing! I have been instructed to talk to you about dying. Seems a very morbid subject to talk about, but the reality of it is that it is very much a part of our existence, and very much a part of my experience.

 When last I was on your Earth plane, the reason why they asked me to talk to you, is because I was killed in battle. I served in the American army, army that you would understand were once I believe called the ‘blue coats’. But I served in several campaigns, I served against what you call the ‘red’ man. I also battled in the War of the Independence states, thereby our ideology was different to those who were in the southern states, but unfortunately ideology leads to separation; it leads to disagreements, and ultimately to war and strife!


The suffering!! In those days Man was very basic in the material understanding of the spiritual side. There was much of those who taught, and whose word was of God, but had little understanding of the compassion of towards their fellow man, and even in the heat of

American Soldier of the civil war

Con’t on the next page

 battle men were turned to beasts to inflict terrible suffering upon one's fellow man, and to use the excuse that they were taken away with the ideal of winning a decisive battle ‘for God’ and for the ‘Glory of God’, for their ideology was just and right, and these poor people, these poor people deluded themselves in their own Holy War,  as there has been many Holy Wars over the centuries. In sense this was also a Holy War, but based upon the ideology of men, but I digress…

In the moment of my passing I received a sharp stabbing wound which pierced between my ribs, and came out through my back below my kidneys. That, in its essence, was enough to see me through, and I died quickly and indeed with some degree of pain, for as you would expect you would feel the cold steel as it moves through your body! But the eyes of my assailant were fixed clearly upon me, and at the last moment I looked, I looked into the eyes of my assailant and I forgave him, for in that moment I understood the futility of the battle, of the ideology, which meant so much to me, and in that special instance there was a bright light. like my whole world exploded, around me, and I found myself standing alone in a beautiful field, but surrounded by the most gorgeous exquisite light, and as I stood there looking at myself, I saw that I was clean, and this may sound a particularly interesting concept to you for understand that before we had been into battle we had been several weeks living rough upon the land, and that we were indeed a ragbag of men and unclean and unkempt. For we had little opportunity for the niceties of our personal hygiene, and there I stood clean and fresh but still within my uniform, the uniform which had been so much to me in my life, surrounded by this beautiful light which shone down upon me, and so much so that I was overwhelmed by the sense of peace and love. And I walked towards this light, but I was not afraid! I was completely at ease, for I did not understanding what was completely happening to me.

 I was drawn into this light, into this ferment of beauty which was radiating all around, and as I walked forward I became aware of a person who I had known many many years ago that this was a comrade in arms who had died in tragic circumstances, and who I had indeed shed a tear for at his passing. And we met, and we embrace, but he had not changed, he was the same person that I had seen all those years ago, and in my confusion he was aware of my thoughts and said that I was to



We have not set out to prove there is life after death, but we believe these messages come from people and places in the spirit world.

 We have not set out to offend or cause controversy so it is up to each person to judge whether they wish to believe them or not.

But what we do believe is that the words and information will help someone in some way.

Track 2  American Soldier.mp3Track 3 .mp3SoldierPaul’s Comment30 Minutes5 Minutes