Life to Infinity

© Life To  2011 - 2018

All the transcripts you will find on this site do not necessarily comply with English grammar this because they have been transcribed exactly as they where given to us. But we have made some small changes to make them a little easer to read


We have not set out to prove there is life after death, but we believe these messages come from people and places in the spirit world.

 We have not set out to offend or cause controversy so it is up to each person to judge whether they wish to believe them or not.

But what we do believe is that the words and information will help someone in some way.

Please note

I bid you welcome my name is Artemos. I am here to bring you knowledge, and bring you knowledge of my experience on your world.


I lived in a time when the world was ruled by men of war; where people were put into slavery. When  people duelled with each for the benefit and the joy of others who watched them in an arena, to be killed, to be destroyed for the fullness of the few who had no understanding of the compassion of life itself.

 All of you have within you some religious connection. You have all been brought up under your traditional beliefs within the world in which you live. I had my Gods, my beliefs in my time, and I worshipped my Gods, helping them to deliver me each day from the trials and tribulations which I  partook in. I travelled extensively within the countries of the great Empire. I was privy to the knowledge and understanding of the rulers of many different territories and cities of the world in which I lived. I swore allegiance to my Emperor for I knew that I was but a minion to the God who I worshipped in the form of my Emperor.

But one day, one day all that changed, for I was introduced to a philosophy, a belief and understanding which was so totally different that it tore the house of my beliefs to shreds, for I was brought into the presence of the man

 Artemos a Roman Official

which you would know as Jesus the Nazarene

the man who you worship in your world today the message that he gave me was of love unconditional love for he loved me despite all that I had done in my life and I felt so insignificant in his presence and yet he did not condemn me he did not cast me into the wilds but rather he gave me the opportunity to turn to face myself to look at my life and to go forward with a new opportunity to bring the message of life and love into this world and for for this I suffered many pains and torments for there are those who moved against me for they did not understand that I had found within my conversion away to the idols of man, the truth of love that resided within me, I am once again overjoyed to be a messenger for the love and the light that streams forth into you now, you will ask why does not that consciousness move closer to you in its entirety but that consciousness is so far removed from this earthly plane that it would transform you completely were it touch you in the just smallest way but it streams forth from the realms above to touch your heart, and I am the messenger to let you know the truth that the great eternal teachers of love and light exist on continue to send their thoughts and compassion into your world.

Audio File

Sound 1.mp3 6 Minutes